A large number (127) records match your search. You may wish to restrict it by county, parish, etc. Click here to return to the search page.

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Results 1 to 20 of 127 [next]

Occupier Surname Occupier Forename County Parish Details Original Page Map Views Upload your content for this record
CLEAR JOHN Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CLEAR THOS. Queen's County (Laois) LEA
Unoccupied Queen's County (Laois) LEA
Unoccupied Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CLEAR THOMAS Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CLEAR JOHN Queen's County (Laois) LEA
STAPLETON PATRICK Queen's County (Laois) LEA
DEEVY LAWRENCE Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CARROLL CATHERINE Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CARROLL MICHAEL Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CONNOR MARY Queen's County (Laois) LEA
CORCORAN RICHARD Queen's County (Laois) LEA
DEMPSEY JOHN Queen's County (Laois) LEA
DONEGAN HONORIA Queen's County (Laois) LEA
DONEGAN PATRICK Queen's County (Laois) LEA
DONEGAN PATRICK Queen's County (Laois) LEA
FLYNN PETER Queen's County (Laois) LEA
BEHAN BRIDGET Queen's County (Laois) LEA
DEEVY CHRISTOPHER Queen's County (Laois) LEA

Results 1 to 20 of 127 [next]